US - space - Mars - Ingenuity

More than a month after Ingenuity reached Mars, NASA announced a surprise: wrapped around a cable under the helicopter's solar panel is a small swatch of fabric that was once part of the wing of the Wright brothers' 1903 flyer

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    US, space, Mars, Ingenuity

  • Foto Noticia

    More than a month after Ingenuity reached Mars, NASA announced a surprise: wrapped around a cable under the helicopter's solar panel is a small swatch of fabric that was once part of the wing of the Wright brothers' 1903 flyer

  • FotoNoticia

    US, space, Mars, Ingenuity


La NASA hizo historia este lunes al conseguir que el pequeño helicóptero Ingenuity volara con éxito en Marte, convirtiéndose en la primera aeronave a motor que realiza un vuelo en otro planeta.

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