
Fragment of a picturesque still life is made in a pasty technique, which conveys the volume and movement of objects. A samovar, a teapot, fruits and vegetables will harmoniously complement each other.

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Fragment of a picturesque still life is made in a pasty technique, which conveys the volume and movement of objects. A samovar, a teapot, fruits and vegetables will harmoniously complement each other..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Fragment of a picturesque still life is made in a pasty technique, which conveys the volume and movement of objects. A samovar, a teapot, fruits and vegetables will harmoniously complement each other.



Ancho original:

5616 píxeles.

Altura original:

3744 píxeles.


21.03 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Duro diseño humor decoración composición ilustración Vintage marrón Todavía naturaleza muerta pintura Pared Patrón Imagen: Grunge Hormona impresionismo artístico metal decorativo fondo de pantalla retro estudio Contexto interior superficie Sucio Fragmento lienzo Primer plano Abstracto Pimienta Colorido Samovar Dibujo material Texturizado imagen espacio acrílico Azul textura Color verde arte Pastelería volumen Cepillo .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Fragment of a picturesque still life is made in a pasty technique, which conveys the volume and movement of objects. A samovar, a teapot, fruits and vegetables will harmoniously complement each other., que incluye Fragment of a picturesque still life is made in a pasty technique, which conveys the volume and movement of objects. A samovar, a teapot, fruits and vegetables will harmoniously complement each other..

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