Temecula, CA, USA - April 11, 2022: Old Town neighborhood. SE side rusted metal historic street portal and sculpture with line of buildings under blue cloudscape. Street scenery.
Esta foto
Temecula, CA, USA - April 11, 2022: Old Town neighborhood. SE side rusted metal historic street portal and sculpture with line of buildings under blue cloudscape. Street scenery..
Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)
- Fotografía:
Temecula, CA, USA - April 11, 2022: Old Town neighborhood. SE side rusted metal historic street portal and sculpture with line of buildings under blue cloudscape. Street scenery.
- Autor:
- Ancho original:
4786 píxeles.
- Altura original:
3349 píxeles.
- Tamaño:
16.03 megapíxeles.
- Categorías:
- Palabras Clave:
Vecindario escultura danza California COMERCIO Arco Diversión Portal Vacas restaurantes bebida vaqueros Temecula envío barras arte bares histórico Estados Unidos metal paisaje urbano Come Centro ciudad Viejo .
- Vistas:
- 7
- Descargas:
- 5

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- escultura
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- Vecindario
- Viejo
- envío
- danza
- Diversión
- metal
- Arco
- arte
- bares
- Estados Unidos
- vaqueros
- paisaje urbano
- restaurantes
(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar
Fotografía de Temecula, CA, USA - April 11, 2022: Old Town neighborhood. SE side rusted metal historic street portal and sculpture with line of buildings under blue cloudscape. Street scenery., que incluye Temecula, CA, USA - April 11, 2022: Old Town neighborhood. SE side rusted metal historic street portal and sculpture with line of buildings under blue cloudscape. Street scenery..
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