
Different kinds of cigarette butts in the white sand on Baltic sea beach with water in background as toxic plastic pollution in the beach sand. Most littered plastic item in the world. Beach pollution

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Different kinds of cigarette butts in the white sand on Baltic sea beach with water in background as toxic plastic pollution in the beach sand. Most littered plastic item in the world. Beach pollution.

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Different kinds of cigarette butts in the white sand on Baltic sea beach with water in background as toxic plastic pollution in the beach sand. Most littered plastic item in the world. Beach pollution



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4599 píxeles.

Altura original:

3449 píxeles.


15.86 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Arena de playa Tabaco Colillas de cigarrillo Tóxico Cenicero Mar costa aire libre arena de cigarrillo microplastic pollution unrecycled Mar Báltico peligro humo Agua contaminado sand pollution orilla tierra Soleado reciclaje paisaje eliminación narcóticos Medio ambiente metales pesados basura toxic trash Filtro chatarra Camada Ilegal ecología limpieza arena Contaminación ambiental Concepto Desechados Residuos océano Contaminación adicción Contaminación marina Nicotina cigarette sand cigarrillo Playa Cuestión .



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Fotografía de Different kinds of cigarette butts in the white sand on Baltic sea beach with water in background as toxic plastic pollution in the beach sand. Most littered plastic item in the world. Beach pollution, que incluye Different kinds of cigarette butts in the white sand on Baltic sea beach with water in background as toxic plastic pollution in the beach sand. Most littered plastic item in the world. Beach pollution.

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