
Egnazia was an ancient city of the Messapii as Egnazia Apulia was a medieval bishopric, which remains a Latin Catholic titular see. It is located near the modern Fasano, in Salento, in southern part of Apulia, region in southern Italy. The first sett

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Egnazia was an ancient city of the Messapii as Egnazia Apulia was a medieval bishopric, which remains a Latin Catholic titular see. It is located near the modern Fasano, in Salento, in southern part of Apulia, region in southern Italy. The first sett.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Egnazia was an ancient city of the Messapii as Egnazia Apulia was a medieval bishopric, which remains a Latin Catholic titular see. It is located near the modern Fasano, in Salento, in southern part of Apulia, region in southern Italy. The first sett



Ancho original:

3000 píxeles.

Altura original:

2000 píxeles.


6 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Ruinas viajes Viejo Apulia destino italia Edad de bronce Fasano imperio arqueología ciudad hito lugar Puglia ciudad antigua Arreglo europeo exterior egnacia Antiguo Romana Necrópolis Tumba salento Europa italiano .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Egnazia was an ancient city of the Messapii as Egnazia Apulia was a medieval bishopric, which remains a Latin Catholic titular see. It is located near the modern Fasano, in Salento, in southern part of Apulia, region in southern Italy. The first sett, que incluye Egnazia was an ancient city of the Messapii as Egnazia Apulia was a medieval bishopric, which remains a Latin Catholic titular see. It is located near the modern Fasano, in Salento, in southern part of Apulia, region in southern Italy. The first sett.

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