Ballet, feet and shoes of a ballerina or dancer dancing or training for a performance in a studio. Legs and toes of skilled and talented elegant performer practicing or rehearsal in an art school.

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Ballet, feet and shoes of a ballerina or dancer dancing or training for a performance in a studio. Legs and toes of skilled and talented elegant performer practicing or rehearsal in an art school..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Ballet, feet and shoes of a ballerina or dancer dancing or training for a performance in a studio. Legs and toes of skilled and talented elegant performer practicing or rehearsal in an art school.



Ancho original:

5292 píxeles.

Altura original:

7934 píxeles.


41.99 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

chica artístico zapatos solo par Con clase piernas artista acondicionamiento físico escuela intérprete Fuerte Pie equilibrio blanco Ensayo Talentoso Competencia piso Ballet clásico saludable rendimiento en forma Señora creativo Estilo primer plano Hembra mujer Pies Formación Hall estudiante Elegancia Ejercicio persona arte Uno bailando practicando actividad Rosa bailarina estudio Contemporáneo danza Elegante .



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Fotografía de Ballet, feet and shoes of a ballerina or dancer dancing or training for a performance in a studio. Legs and toes of skilled and talented elegant performer practicing or rehearsal in an art school., que incluye Ballet, feet and shoes of a ballerina or dancer dancing or training for a performance in a studio. Legs and toes of skilled and talented elegant performer practicing or rehearsal in an art school..

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