
A Ridged Gourd vine (Luffa Acutangula) growing on support structure with leaves and fruits in the home garden. The vine has a polythene cover attached to a fruit to protect from insect damage

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A Ridged Gourd vine (Luffa Acutangula) growing on support structure with leaves and fruits in the home garden. The vine has a polythene cover attached to a fruit to protect from insect damage.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


A Ridged Gourd vine (Luffa Acutangula) growing on support structure with leaves and fruits in the home garden. The vine has a polythene cover attached to a fruit to protect from insect damage



Ancho original:

6000 píxeles.

Altura original:

4000 píxeles.


24 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Crecimiento Jardinería Jardín casero calabaza crestada Hoja on support structure naturales crecer Contexto daño de insectos Agropecuaria Okra china Loofah Creeper Medio ambiente fruit on polythene cover botánico colador de vid Viña esponja de costilla Agricultura follaje cosecha protect from insect Jardín Luffa Calabaza de esponja culinaria Hojas y frutas fruta joven Fruta Fresco Flor legumbres protected fruit planta de interior calabaza vegetal con crestas calabaza de seda Naturaleza luffa en ángulo saludable Calabaza ridged gourd vine alimentos calabaza de tela plato orgánico Ridge .



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Fotografía de A Ridged Gourd vine (Luffa Acutangula) growing on support structure with leaves and fruits in the home garden. The vine has a polythene cover attached to a fruit to protect from insect damage, que incluye A Ridged Gourd vine (Luffa Acutangula) growing on support structure with leaves and fruits in the home garden. The vine has a polythene cover attached to a fruit to protect from insect damage.

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