From above, the stunning beauty of Zanzibar's Nungwi Beach is captured in an aerial view with a yacht and palm trees on the sandy beach.

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From above, the stunning beauty of Zanzibar's Nungwi Beach is captured in an aerial view with a yacht and palm trees on the sandy beach..

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From above, the stunning beauty of Zanzibar's Nungwi Beach is captured in an aerial view with a yacht and palm trees on the sandy beach.



Ancho original:

4915 píxeles.

Altura original:

2762 píxeles.


13.58 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Costa tropical del mar Horizonte Vida marina Vacaciones Acuático vela playas de arena Palmeras verdes Vida en la isla experiencias culturales Línea costera Barcos de pesca África Agua azul clara vista panorámica Vacaciones de verano escénica playa nungwi turismo aventura Paraíso Actividades de ocio Paisaje marino Palmeras coastal exploration pintoresco Puesta de sol white sanded beach Cristal claro Serenidad Impresionante belleza relajación Arriba conservación marina Hermoso paisaje marino yate Tanzania Peinado en la playa Orilla del mar belleza natural Zanzíbar impresionante paisaje isla africana tranquilo destino de viaje Soledad Aguas cristalinas Vista aérea .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de From above, the stunning beauty of Zanzibar's Nungwi Beach is captured in an aerial view with a yacht and palm trees on the sandy beach., que incluye From above, the stunning beauty of Zanzibar's Nungwi Beach is captured in an aerial view with a yacht and palm trees on the sandy beach..

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