
A girl looking through the window of bell tower on the harbor. Rows of docks waiting for the boats and yachts to anchor there. Lots of houses surrounding the port. In the back there are few islands

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A girl looking through the window of bell tower on the harbor. Rows of docks waiting for the boats and yachts to anchor there. Lots of houses surrounding the port. In the back there are few islands.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


A girl looking through the window of bell tower on the harbor. Rows of docks waiting for the boats and yachts to anchor there. Lots of houses surrounding the port. In the back there are few islands



Ancho original:

3840 píxeles.

Altura original:

2160 píxeles.


8.29 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Vivid Istria Vista panorámica Dalmacia viajes Visión general Turista paisaje chica arquitectura Mediterráneo puertos Adriático Azotea Marina mujer Croacia costa pueblo Europa turismo orilla Krk Dubrovnik vagabundeo iglesia ciudad Vacaciones edificio exterior torre Campanario Viejo Línea costera Felicidad techo Panorama hito país isla Rojo pintoresco Vrsar Mar Puerto destino Verano .



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Fotografía de A girl looking through the window of bell tower on the harbor. Rows of docks waiting for the boats and yachts to anchor there. Lots of houses surrounding the port. In the back there are few islands, que incluye A girl looking through the window of bell tower on the harbor. Rows of docks waiting for the boats and yachts to anchor there. Lots of houses surrounding the port. In the back there are few islands.

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