
Pine Grosbeak male side view perched on a tree branch displaying red plumage feather in its environment and habitat surrounding with a green background. Grosbeak Portrait.

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Pine Grosbeak male side view perched on a tree branch displaying red plumage feather in its environment and habitat surrounding with a green background. Grosbeak Portrait..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Pine Grosbeak male side view perched on a tree branch displaying red plumage feather in its environment and habitat surrounding with a green background. Grosbeak Portrait.



Ancho original:

4500 píxeles.

Altura original:

3601 píxeles.


16.2 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

belleza educación Lindo Ontario Canadá Invierno Imagen: christmas decor image Magnífico posarse Medio ambiente Naturaleza Ala de animales Primer plano América del Norte MALO Bush Vista lateral Majestuoso Hermoso pájaro Foto: Ramas de abeto Grosbeak de pino Vista de perfil No hay gente Grosbeak alrededores Fondo verde Temporada imagen Contexto Pico red plumage feather alas Pájaro animal Plumas aire libre belleza en la naturaleza Pájaro color rojo retrato Bosque Encaramado paseriformes cuerpo Fondo de desenfoque hábitat calendario foto .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Pine Grosbeak male side view perched on a tree branch displaying red plumage feather in its environment and habitat surrounding with a green background. Grosbeak Portrait., que incluye Pine Grosbeak male side view perched on a tree branch displaying red plumage feather in its environment and habitat surrounding with a green background. Grosbeak Portrait..

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