
Close-up little hand of child and palm of mother and father. The newborn baby has a firm grip on the parents finger after birth. A newborn holds on to moms, dads finger.

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Close-up little hand of child and palm of mother and father. The newborn baby has a firm grip on the parents finger after birth. A newborn holds on to moms, dads finger..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Close-up little hand of child and palm of mother and father. The newborn baby has a firm grip on the parents finger after birth. A newborn holds on to moms, dads finger.



Ancho original:

5464 píxeles.

Altura original:

8192 píxeles.


44.76 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Ayudas cuidado NUEVO inocencia proteger madre Maternidad Mano recién nacida pequeño brazo newborns fingers Mantenimiento primer plano paternidad Primero cuerpo palma hija poco mujer hijo protección chica infancia Confianza Lindo humano diminuta niño Toque gente Amor piel Bebé padre recién nacido Mano dedo Juntos Espera familia Papá Mamá Hembra Lactante nacido .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Close-up little hand of child and palm of mother and father. The newborn baby has a firm grip on the parents finger after birth. A newborn holds on to moms, dads finger. , que incluye Close-up little hand of child and palm of mother and father. The newborn baby has a firm grip on the parents finger after birth. A newborn holds on to moms, dads finger..

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