
Laughing buddha idol with peacock feather in the background. Beautiful background image of Buddha in calm meditative state. Peaceful background for Zen meditation with calm buddha in a state of bliss. Minimalist beautiful buddha backdrops.

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Laughing buddha idol with peacock feather in the background. Beautiful background image of Buddha in calm meditative state. Peaceful background for Zen meditation with calm buddha in a state of bliss. Minimalist beautiful buddha backdrops..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Laughing buddha idol with peacock feather in the background. Beautiful background image of Buddha in calm meditative state. Peaceful background for Zen meditation with calm buddha in a state of bliss. Minimalist beautiful buddha backdrops.



Ancho original:

3732 píxeles.

Altura original:

2919 píxeles.


10.89 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

diseño vibraciones positivas escultura meditación zen India Meditación real asiático Pluma de pavo real bendición Dios cultura fondo de pantalla Primer plano religioso adoración Ídolo decoración Elegante detalle Estatua de Buddha textura Elegancia Buda Purnima minimalista Monjes fondos zen budismo Fondo pacífico Meditar Tradicional buda indio Fondo de plumas de pavo real NUEVO Fondo real decorativo Hermosa Buda sonriente Calma Cultura tailandesa Zen Buda cara .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Laughing buddha idol with peacock feather in the background. Beautiful background image of Buddha in calm meditative state. Peaceful background for Zen meditation with calm buddha in a state of bliss. Minimalist beautiful buddha backdrops., que incluye Laughing buddha idol with peacock feather in the background. Beautiful background image of Buddha in calm meditative state. Peaceful background for Zen meditation with calm buddha in a state of bliss. Minimalist beautiful buddha backdrops..

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