
Window surrounded by lush green ivy covering an old building facade on a cloudy autumn day. Concept of nature blending with architecture, urban greenery and seasonal change

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Window surrounded by lush green ivy covering an old building facade on a cloudy autumn day. Concept of nature blending with architecture, urban greenery and seasonal change.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Window surrounded by lush green ivy covering an old building facade on a cloudy autumn day. Concept of nature blending with architecture, urban greenery and seasonal change



Ancho original:

4000 píxeles.

Altura original:

6000 píxeles.


24 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

textura vegetación Zonas verdes Hojas coloridas belleza natural respetuoso del medio ambiente tranquilidad en la naturaleza orgánico Jardín Decoración exterior Rústico Cambio estacional plantas Edificio antiguo Vibrante paisaje urbano Tranquilidad ventana exterior Temporada de otoño Otoño vegetación urbana Medio ambiente jardín vertical Hojas de otoño histórico cubiertas por plantas Pared arquitectura crecimiento hiedra pacífico paisaje Entorno pacífico ciudad hojas verdes Pared cubierta de hiedra hojas follaje plantas trepadoras edificio Fachada Sobrecrecida escénica Fachada del edificio urbano Naturaleza y arquitectura naturales .



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Fotografía de Window surrounded by lush green ivy covering an old building facade on a cloudy autumn day. Concept of nature blending with architecture, urban greenery and seasonal change, que incluye Window surrounded by lush green ivy covering an old building facade on a cloudy autumn day. Concept of nature blending with architecture, urban greenery and seasonal change.

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